Shandong Marictec Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd.


Shandong Marictec Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd.
phone: 13853451166
address: No. 6596 Dongfanghong East Road, Songguantun Sub district Office, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Dezhou City, Shandong Province consultation


Scientific movements make results twice as effective with half the effort

Date:2023-11-09 15:24:24 browse:0

01 Principles for Scientific Fitness

Follow a step-by-step fitness plan, participate in various forms of sports, and fully develop athletic abilities.

02 Scientific fitness can promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle

Integrate physical exercise into daily life, pay attention to comprehensive nutrition, adequate rest and sleep, and achieve the ideal exercise effect.

03 Exercise reduces disease risk

Scientific fitness can enhance cardiovascular function, strengthen muscles and bones, effectively enhance body metabolism, enhance vitality, and promote mental health.

04 Sitting for a long time can harm the body, but exercising is beneficial

Reduce the time spent sitting in silence. For every additional hour of sitting, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases by 12% and the risk of heart attack increases by 26%. Encourage various forms of physical activity anytime, anywhere, and get up and move every hour.

05 Exercise Risk Assessment to Ensure Exercise Safety

Before exercising, one should understand their medical history and family history, screen physiological indicators, conduct physical fitness tests, comprehensively evaluate their physical condition, and reduce the risk of exercise.

06. The exercise process should be complete and the exercise methods should be diverse

A complete exercise should include preparation activities, formal activities, and organizing activities. A week of exercise and fitness should include aerobic exercise and flexibility exercise, and these three methods should not be neglected.

07 Ensure a certain intensity, frequency, and duration

Recommend exercising no less than 3 times per week; Accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise; Conduct resistance strength exercises involving all major muscle groups at least 2 days per week.

08 Elderly people maintain appropriate levels of physical activity

Elderly people should pay attention to muscle strength exercises and engage in appropriate balance exercises, such as Tai Chi, square dance, cycling, etc. The exercise time should be controlled at around 20-60 minutes each time, and should not be exercised alone. The exercise intensity should not be too high.

09 Special groups should exercise under professional guidance

Special groups (chronic disease patients, disabled individuals, etc.) should exercise under the guidance of their remaining life and sports professionals.